As those Corona commercials pun-fully remind us, vacations shift our attitudes. Through disrupting comfortable monotony with new geography and new/renewed relationships, we're jolted to remember what's just so wonderful or what needs to go in our lives. Lists and promises made while away generally fade yet re-emerge in quiet moments - unexpected stay-cations. And here I find myself again, needing to raise a few glasses to my rollicking, recentering trip to Portland.
Here's to occasional, amazing over-indulgence: Bacon Bloody Mary.

Here's to enjoying the best without any snobbery: Right Turn with amazing desserts at Clyde Common.
Here's to being challenged: Salted Plum Collins

Here's to taking the time: Agua Fresca Margarita

Here's to a holistic approach: Milwaukee Mule enhanced by icy cold copper mug

I can't stop thinking about the salted plum collins. I might have to take a quick walk.