5:51 - Fat snow flakes
5:52 - Start a load of laundry
5:54 - Hummus snack
6:02 - Rage on the inside translates to sweaty eyebrows because of this and this. Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck.
6:05 - Crack last PBR tall boy from fridge.
6:15 - "Even without engaging in any political conversation, I believe that Rush Limbaugh has once again said things that, even in a nation where free speech is the law, shouldn't be said." - Emily's mom in an email entitled FW: Misogyny
5:52 - Start a load of laundry
5:54 - Hummus snack
6:02 - Rage on the inside translates to sweaty eyebrows because of this and this. Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck.
6:05 - Crack last PBR tall boy from fridge.
6:15 - "Even without engaging in any political conversation, I believe that Rush Limbaugh has once again said things that, even in a nation where free speech is the law, shouldn't be said." - Emily's mom in an email entitled FW: Misogyny
6:18 - Bounce spastically in my busted plastic ikea chair for a few go-arounds of this
6:48: Start second load of laundry
6:56: Inspired to start live blogging my night. Make-up last hour's timeline, break computer and interwebs accessing NPR's First Listen, have internal debate about whether to get Thai food delivery and when to open bottle of wine.
7:48: Decide that at some point tonight I will eat the Trader Joe's gyoza that I have in my freezer instead of ordering delivery. Celebrate my restraint and frugality by pouring a glass of 2008 Firesteed Oregon Pinot Noir.
8:20: Laugh at Rachel Maddow calling Rush Limbaugh and Mitt Romney out for not understanding how birth control works.
8:24: Revel in my privileged white liberal cocoon.
8:25: Use fists to punch-punch creeping depression.
8:31: Pet Mabel.
8:32: Oversimplify and conclude that poetry's probably the answer.
8:33: Miss Marcus.
8:39: Vow to be very productive tomorrow morning because the evening's settling into getting drunk, watching bad tv, and listening to tunes.
8:41: Change into pjs
8:46: Remember that the receiver is broken. Pout.
8:46: Remember that the receiver is broken. Pout.
9:15: Realize I've forgotten my laundry.
9:20: Google Carroll County. Think about buying a country house.
9:39: Cook faux buffalo wings instead of potstickers.
9:53: Embarrassingly google myself. Find out that a research project I helped work on back in 2007 got published in 2010, and I have a by-line. Pour another glass of wine to celebrate being a published researcher. Think I should google myself more often.
10:01: Encourage Marcus to visit the space needle.
10:04: Curl up with faux nugs, ranch, and Say Yes to the Dress-Atlanta
10:17: First SYTtD-A tears. Find Milano cookies.
10:24: Oh. Laundry. Right.
10:45: The Truth About Cats and Dogs...? Oh, the glamour. The glamour.
11:13: I think a car hit a telephone pole across the street from my house. The pole is blocking two lanes of traffic and there's four cop cars, a fire truck, an ambulance. All of the lights.
11:21: All of the lights reminded me to watch the kanye video that comes with a seizure warning. While Rhianna's boobies are hot and I admire her sweet tattoo placement, I missed Nicki.
11:40: From Man on the Moon 2 to Marquee Moon (which will forever remind me of College Hill)

Love this. Love all of this! -EK