I drank this Michelob Ultra at 9:30 this morning. This may be my earliest breakfast beer. Though, let's be adults here, MU is hardly beer. I wouldn't normally drink the stuff (except for that short rendezvous I had with the Tuscan Orange Grapefruit flavor but I certainly never confused that with beer) but I got a free one with with the registration for the Chicago Half Marathon and 5k.
The record I know I set was running my first 5k ever. I ran it all. I'm really fucking proud of myself. When I was in high school and was forced to run, I couldn't and wouldn't do it - nothing close to a mile. Today I ran 3.1 miles.
I felt tough. And strong. I passed people on the course. I repeat, I passed people on the course. This made me feel like a bad ass and true to myself. As I shuffled around folks, I wished them well and cheered em on in my head.
We have bodies.
I've had the privilege of knowing how awesome you are for half my life, but yeah, that's pretty damn rad. I'm proud of you. I've certainly never run a 5k.